Payment details


Sveučilišna avenija 6, 51000 RIJEKA
Tax Number: HR96996385705
IBAN Number: HR8223600001101913656
SWIFT code (BIC code): ZABAHR2X
Bank address: ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10 000 ZAGREB, HRVATSKA; OIB 92963223473
Currency: EUR, HRK


The participants of the Conference from abroad pay the registration fee via a bank transfer (according to the above stated data) in the amount of 200 EUR. The participants from Croatia pay the registration fee in kuna of 200 EUR, according to the mid exchange rate of the National Bank of Croatia on the day of payment to the drawing-account of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka (Učiteljski fakultet u Rijeci).


IBAN HR8223600001101913656
model 00 or empty
Reference number: OIB of the payer-661514


In the description (both for payments in foreign currency and kunas) it is necessary to state the reference of the payment (the title of the conference), including the name and surname of the participant, and the name and address of the institution paying the registration fee.


IBAN HR8223600001101913656
(model 00 ili prazno)
Poziv na broj: OIB uplatitelja – 661514


U opisu (i kod devizne i kod kunske uplate) potrebno je navesti naznaku uplate (naziv konferencije) s imenom i prezimenom sudionika, te nazivom i adresom institucije koja uplaćuje kotizaciju.